Company tax is a major expense item for Dutch companies. It is not for nothing that many entrepreneurs are looking for ways to pay less company tax. By setting up a company in Dubai, you ensure that you no longer pay any profit tax at all. Zero Tax Dubai‘s tax specialists are happy to assist you in setting up your tax-free business in Dubai without any headaches.


Company Income tax must be paid on the profit made by a company. The administration must calculate what the turnover is minus the costs incurred and any depreciation. The result of this is the profit on which company tax is levied.

The type of company tax depends on the type of company involved. In the case of a Limited, the company tax is levied in the form of corporation tax. However, in the case of a sole proprietorship (this also applies to self-employed persons and freelancers), the company tax is levied in the form of self-employment tax.


If we only focus on corporate income tax (CIT), this company tax is 25% in 2023.

When a director is on the company payroll, the income tax rates apply to this income.


Taxes can be significant and are a major drain on a company’s cash flow, whatever form of business. 
Paying less tax
is only possible to a limited extent when a company is established in the UK. That is why more and more entrepreneurs choose to move their company to a country with a much more favorable tax climate. These tax benefits often outweigh the (limited) costs of setting up a business abroad.


One of the countries with a very favorable tax climate is Dubai (United Arab Emirates). Here, approximately 40 so-called free zones, or tax-free areas, have been created where you do not pay profit tax. Each of these free zones has its own rules and conditions, so that the most favorable free zone for each company can be different, depending on the activities and your own wishes.

Setting up a business in Dubai
is not very complex, but you do need to know exactly what to take into account.  Fortunately, you can leave that to the specialists of Zero Tax Dubai. We guide you from A to Z so that you can set up your business in Dubai in no time, knowing exactly where you stand without nasty surprises.

So feel free to contact one of our tax specialists now.

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